
Found in 1984 by Youri Messen-Jaschin, presents all the aspects of the circus, since the antiquity to the most contemporary and new technology forms.

The duration of each event twelve months in each town and country..
To renew the old feeling for the marvelous and spectacular by gathering together within the city, before thousands of spectators, the old world
festival of traveling entertainers:
contemporary dancers, Butoh, opera, music, conferences, workshops, visual arts, theater, acrobats, jugglers, tightrope walkers, fakirs and fire breathers, clowns and musicians, stunt men and magicians, animal trainers, horseback riders, light show, vinging, circus parade, mimes, cosmic circus & computer circus performance, science and physic in the circus world.

Bringing more than thousand artists from the whole world, with almost as much means of expression, it encompasses a town in the beauty of discovery for a whole year.

The main task of « World Circus » is to open a new way in the creative art and urbanism. This event offers, among others, a wider interest for the public’s curiosity for the contemporary creation and new technologies. It is motivated by the irreversible development of a visual thought more and more present in different domains of scientifically knowledge, industrial production and visual creation, as well the practical, industrial and cultural innovations of communication.

Bringing more than one thousand artists from the whole world, with almost as many means of expression, to the same meeting place. Multidisciplinary event of 365 days

Nonprofit event, the benefit of the event is entirely dedicated to a humanitarian project.